If ever there was a couple who deserve a clear, sunny wedding day, it’s probably Megan and Mattias – especially after what they braved on the Wellington waterfront. They flew in from Australia for their engagement shoot last Friday, and the capital took the opportunity to whip up a mean batch of wind, plummeting temperatures and some…
Beautiful engagement photos. Natural and beautiful couple. Feels really candid, and love it.
good intimacy, and lovely movement in these.
Beautiful images mary! Love the mood/light
Beautiful images Mary!!!! Love that first frame!
I love how you mix motion, emotion, and composition so perfectly! Beautiful work!
Stunning. The entire set is breathtaking!
The last three frames are especially killer! Awesome.
Ã…h vilka underbara bilder. I’m crying of happiness. Längtar mig halvt ihjäl efter er.
Vilka vackra ungdomar
Tack Megan för att du har gjort Mattias till en lycklig man, han lyser av självförtroende
Kram från pappa och blivande svärfar
Awesome!! Agree with Mats. Thank you Megan! You both look truly happy and it really warmth my heart… Bless You! Nu har jag er som skrivbordsunderlägg. Stor kram, mamma Katarina
Stunning images!!!!!! Really beautiful 🙂
This is just so awesome, such beautiful poses, so much love, GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. Love you both , much much love from mum and dad
Awesome session Mary.
So beautiful Mary!! I love this all.
Really stellar set of images. They are a gorgeous couple!
So romantic!
Just emotional! you did such a great job at capturing them!
Wow, beautiful work! Love the lift shot with the city in the background!
soooooo good, Mary! I can really feel the emotion through your images. Especially on that first one and second last one.
Thank you so much Mary. These photos are perfect. I love your work. I can’t wait to get married to my amazing fiancé.
These are soooo fresh – love them, very intimate, natural and creative – great work
Hi Megan, I’m so happy you like them, you guys were stunning together and so brave in that cold cold wind!
Fantastic photos for such a beautiful couple. Can’t wait for the wedding!!
That all blurry photo is a fave. Great job!
Beautiful! Love the emotion in that very first image!
Killer frames Mary. Second last is my fav.
Great session. Your work shows their peaceful calm through the storm. Very poetic.
Fina bilder på två nyligen förlovade som verkade lyckliga så lycka till kramar
Frän dina morföräldrar
Beautiful pictures. Love the mix of black & white and color photos!
love this. I love the emotion and story behind everything. so well done.
Mary, your work it is so good…very nice, congratulation
underbara bilder från ett till synes älskande par lycka till